"Anger is close to the immense force of water. The water cycle bears similarities to the process of anger. When too much water fills the river, the dams and dikes break, unleashing an immense force. Water is like temper. Peaceful and calm. But disturb it too much and a tsunami will wash you away"

From the ocean of anger form the clouds of the storm
A storm of rage, weeping tears of hatred
From the mountains to the rivers filled with hate
On towards the sea, to the Ocean of Anger,
Waves of anger, polluting my mind
Lack of compassion destroyed by the tide
Drowning in the raging sea
Rips and tears your sanity
Channeling your shallow, liquid thoughts
Into my solid mind, leaving the past behind
Ocean of Anger, sea of rage
Mind manipulated! Trust annihilated!
Raging waves of anger and fear
Makes all sanity disappear
your judgement is clouded by storm and rain
You don’t know how to handle pain
Waves of anger, polluting my mind
Lack of compassion destroyed by the tide
Drowning in the raging sea
Rips and tears your sanity
Channeling your shallow, liquid thoughts
Into my solid mind, leaving the past behind
Ocean of Anger, sea of rage
Mind manipulated! Trust annihilated!
Boiling waters turn into mist
A veil of steam clouds your judgement
You can’t resist!
Hatred fills your soul
Control is lost in the ocean of anger!
Emotions dissolved by waves
Sinking to the bottom
Raging waters – A cascade of hate
Ripping and tearing the dam assunder
Emotional wreck, run before it’s too late
Stoicism and selfcontrol turn into thunder
How long before something will snap
Keep it inside, but poison the mind
Shadows of fear, set up the trap
Open it up never hide inside